Friday, 12 February 2016

Hello World! Let's Talk Secrets...

Hi, people! 

So, like a dork, I always check the stats for my blog. *nervous laugh*
Anywho! Hehe, I'm glad that you people all over the world, Poland, Syria, U.S! EEEEEEEEEPPPPPP! 

You guys are awesome!

Apologies in advance for not posting sooner. Life is a little bit bonkers at the moment, but that is no excuse for not posting, nope nope nope. 

Nonetheless, let's talk secrets. 

So, a secret of mine was leaked in my educational facility (be it school, college, university). There's no point in exposing myself online *hair flip* but I'm just saying. Be careful with how you go about hiding things, like a dead body. Just kidding!

Or am I?
*laughs maniacally*

- Sol xxx

Thursday, 4 February 2016


When your parents, or someone that cares for you deeply, is proud of you then it's awesome. It's an incredible feeling. 

So, Plan B wasn't necessary, my lovelies! I got into an even better college! Heh, my dad always wanted me to go there. ^-^" Yeaaaaah.... I am quite happy, heh. 

There's only a couple of views on my blog so far but I just want to thank you all for the support. 

Take care, all of you. Song of the week is below too, so do check it out!

- Sol xxx

Song of The Week: We Don't Talk Anymore - Charlie Puth ft. Selena Gomez 

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Self-Harm isn't for Attention

Alrighty, people. Time to get serious

I've heard that people hurt themselves in order to feel something or rather not feel anything. Numbing the pain or stinging to feel the pain. Something, anything or noting. The problem is, people hurt themselves. 

I'm not about to rant, saying that they shouldn't because let's be honest. That ain't gonna work. So, what I'm gonna say is, just think why you're doing it? Because if it's something like "I want to die" then I beg you do not dare partake in such an act of impertinence. In other words, don't be a doody-head. 

Just be you. Your smile is like the sun. Like the sole. You're important. You're needed. You may not know it now, but you're going to become something that is God damn amazing, just you watch.

I'm just trying to say that one person CAN make a difference.

Stay safe, and look after yourselves

- Sol xxx

Song of the night: Echosmith - Cool Kids {SoMo Cover}